A Home Cinema in a Bright Environment

Genesis Technologies gets De Opera to install their showroom's centre piece-- a home cinema with a 120" Supernova One screen from dnp.

Demo TheatreOriginally planned to be smaller, both companies later decided to make it even more dramatic, with dnp's biggest scren yet.

The Supernova Screen is a front-projection system designed for bright environments. It carries an active high-contrast filter, which dnp says produces vivid pictures with up to x7 the contrast and x2 the brightness of conventional front-projection screen images.

Genesis Technologies meanwhile says the screen's high contrast provides a good combination with LED projectors' high colour saturation.

Supernova screens come in 3 different materials-- 20-20 (for bright and dark rooms with normal-sized projectors), 23-23 (for environments with wide viewing angles) and 08-85 (ISF-certified material for either low-light rooms or bright rooms with more powerful projectors).

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