Xiaomi Presents TV, "TV Bar" and... Scooter?!

Xiaomi sets to expand further from smartphones as it presents the Mi TV 3, a 60-inch 4K TV featuring an LG display panel, together with a Mi TV Bar accessory and... a self-balancing scooter. Yes, you read that right.

Xiaomi Mi TVThe Mi TV 3 promises all the usual features from any self respecting TV, including sleek (11.6mm at its thinnest) aluminium construction, a "world class" independent sound system and high colour gamut MEMC motion compensation. But the most interesting addition comes with the Mi TV Bar, essentially a soundbar plus the components for the making of a smart TV.

As such the Mi TV Bar carries a sound system, MStar 6A928 processor, 2GB DDR3 RAM and 8GB flash storage. It connects to the Mi TV 3 via Mi Port and provides access to MIUI TV, the Xiaomi Android-based smart TV platform. A companion 6.5-inch Mi Subwoofer adds more bass, while contol comes through an optional Bluetooth remote complete with with gyroscope and voice recognition.

Xiaomi TV BarCustomers can also connect the Mi TV Bar to any TV, monitor or projector via HDMI.

The final Xiaomi device is perhaps the oddest-- the Ninebot mini, a compact Segway-style self-balancing scooter (and just as well, since Ninebot actually owns Segway). It reaches speeds of up to 16km/h (with a 22km range on a single charge), climbs 15-degree inclines "easily" and comes complete with smartphone app handling remote control, locking and alerts.

Xiaomi scooterThe scooter has no handles, instead having a knee-high "steering stick" for the detecting user leg movements.

The above mentioned Xiaomi offerings hit the Chinese market from November 2015. No word of a European launch is available, at least as yet.

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