Futuresource: 4K TV Shipments on the Up

Futuresource Consulting reports 4K TV shipments reach 11.6 million units in 2014, a 699% increase over 2013 as falling premiums, smaller-size 4K TVs and customers looking into future-proof entertainment drive adoption.

4KTVChina accounts for over 70% of global 2014 shipments, down from 84% in 2013.

The analyst predicts annual shipments will reach 100m units by 2018, while ownership should exceed 20% in leading markets. However, the crucial factor in 4K TV adoption growth is a sustained flow of 4K content-- a few 4K video streaming services are already available (and more should launch during 2015/6), but 4K disc playback will only be available by late 2015 in the earliest.

In other words, Futuresource predicts a positive commercial scenario for consumer 4K, if one to "realistically" take at least 3-4 years to develop.

"We are seeing several 4K video services now available in the market, driven by over-the-top (OTT) video services, and we are beginning to see signs that broadcasters support will be forthcoming," the analyst adds. "However, with 8K on the horizon, there is speculation as to whether the window for 4K will be short-lived."

Go Futuresource Consulting Reveals 4K Roadmap