Amazon Echo Controls Insteon Lighting

The Amazon Echo voice assistant-slash-black cylindrical speaker gains the power to control more smart home devices via compatibility with Insteon lighting products.

Insteon Amazon EchoThe device already handles voice control of a number of automation products, including Belkin WeMo, Philips Hue, Wink and Samsung SmartThing. Thus, users can switch on lights by simply saying "Alexa, set living room lamp to 50%."

One can also group lights for control with a single command, such as "Alexa, switch off all living room lights." Groups are platform-agnostic, meaning users can control lights from Insteon, Hue and other Echo-compatible platforms within a single group.

In addition, the optional Amazon Voice Remote allows voice control of lighting in rooms out of speaking range from the Echo speaker.

Integration of Insteon device with the Echo requires installation of the Insteon Hub (2245-222). It is compatible with a range of Insteon wall switches, plug-in devices and LED bulbs.

Go Insteon + Amazon Echo