Niveo Joins Savant Partners in Excellence

Savant Systems adds Niveo Professional to the Partners in Excellence program-- an initiative aiming for compatibility between Savant control systems and a number of of manufacturers.

Savant partnersMaking part of the initiative are companies from the audio, video, lighting control, HVAC and security industries, as well device and subsystem makers from many related markets.

"We are seeing more and more distributors and integrators using Savant in Europe," Niveo CEO Arthur de Jager says. "Savant's Partners in Excellence program seemed like the ideal tool at the right time for our organization and will ensure essential product compatibility for our dealers in the field."

Built on the Mac OSX operating system, Savant technology supports various communications protocols and offers high speed AV switching, scaling and processing. This makes it ideal for Niveo Professional, maker of networking devices optimised for AV components both residential and commercial applications.

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