Oppo Digital Quits CE!

High-end AV gear maker Oppo Digital announces an exit from CE after 14 in the business, citing a lack of resources as the main reason it will no longer develop and release no products.

Oppo player"As our latest 4K UHD players reach the pinnacle of their performance, it is time to say goodbye," a statement from the company reads. "We are proud to have made such well-regarded products and to have served the enthusiast community. Without our customers' suggestions, encouragement, and support, we could not have accomplished these achievements."

Oppo is well known for home theatre hardware, such as Blu-ray and UHD disc players. It also produced award-wining hi-fi audio products and premium headphones. The company will continue to offer support and respect warranties. Newer products such as the UDP-203 and UDP-205 players should also receive regular firmware updates, while more mature products such as the BDP-103 and earlier models will get firmware upgrades in case of critical fixes.

In Europe, Oppo is setting up a new hub to handle remaining orders, following the closure of its UK office in Norwich. A 3rd party company will handle servicing and warranties.

Go Oppo Farewell