THX Sues Apple over Speakers

THX, the audio company founded by Star Wars creator George Lucas, sues Apple-- claiming iPhones, iPads and iMacs infringe on a 2008 patent for "narrow profile speaker configuration and systems."

iMacsAccording to Bloomberg, the THX lawsuit says the Apple caused “monetary damage and irreparable harm" and demands a court order stopping the alleged infringement as well as either royalties or compensation for lost profits.

The patent in question (no. 7433483) describes "A narrow profile speaker unit comprises at least one speaker outputting sound towards an internal surface and through a duct with an output terminus, such as a slot, having a narrow dimension, effectively changing the cross-section of the speaker's audio output wave. A pair of speakers may face one another, outputting sound towards a common output slot."

However according to Apple Insider Apple owns a variety of patents describing similar speakers, such as patent no. 8385568 for "Low-profile speaker arrangements for compact electronic devices," filed back in 2010 and granted in 2013.

Named after George Lucas' first film (THX 1138), THX creates standards and a certification systems for theatre sound systems. It also has an iOS App, THX tune-up, allowing users to configure home theatre audio setups via iDevices.

Go THX Sues Apple in Patent Case (Bloomberg)

Go Apple Sued by THX (Apple Insider)