European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

IP Security Pavilion at ISE 2012

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IPSecurityNot every Pro AV integrator goes into video security, just like not every integrator goes in video conferencing or digital signage. But enough do….

So it’s good to mention the IP Security Pavilion at ISE 2012. It’s a start to reflect the substantial interest in this video category from visitors already at ISE.

Like most parts of Pro AV, video security technology now migrates from analogue to digital… and the IP network is the new king. Sound familiar?

As the price of digital storage drops and the technology to work with Big Data emerges, video security and surveillance will have a huge future.( And just like the automobile, the internet, and the mobile phone, the good that can emerge will be balanced by the bad, by the illegitimate uses that some companies, some governments will attempt.)

To give an idea of scale in our future, there’s a 24-hour video surveillance program in China that will put 500,000 video cameras throughout the city of Chongquing. By 2020, all that video could be stored for 25 US cents per Chongquing resident per year.

Total costs of surveillance -- gathering, aggregating, managing, analyzing -- may be greater, but as Big Data becomes a reality, tools for handling it will become better and cheaper. The fact that cheap storage will be available will encourage more and more recording: more places where we will record but also more 24/7 just-in-case-we-need it recording.

Governments, schools, corporations…many of our traditional customers will use IP security in the future. Stop by the IP Security Pavilion…it will be a modest beginning but like video security itself, it can grow quite rapidly as ISE’s newest product segment.

Go IP Security Pavilion at ISE 2012