European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Acer Ranks 3rd WW in Projectors for Q1 2011

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Acer Professional

According to the latest data from Pacific Media Associates, Acer reached (for the first time) 3rd in the worldwide projector market in Q1 2011 with a 7.2% market share.

Acer closed last year with a 6.4% market share and increased its share to 7.2% in Q1 2011, with 19% YOY growth, and achieved 3rd position in the worldwide ranking for the first time.

Acer also confirmed 2nd place in the EMEA ranking, registering 13.8% market share and 4% YOY growth.

Despite showing a Q4 2010 vs.Q1 2011 decline, if we consider the YOY performance, the global projectors market is growing with a 13% YOY growth.

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