European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Weak Demand for LCD Panels

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Growth for large-size LCD panels decelerates, with IHS iSUppli predicting it will reach 14% Y-o-Y growth in 2011 (compared to 2010's 23.4%) with 740m units-- as a direct result of weak demand for products carrying such panels.

LCD Market

Such devices, of course, include TVs (alongside monitors and notebook PCs)-- confirming the decline in demand for TVs.

LCD panel shipments decline by -9.2% in Q1 2011 (from Q4 2010), while showing -0.8% Y-o-Y growth.

Europe in particular (together with the US) sees slow TV sales for Q1 2011, where even recent price declines failing to stimulate sales. This is due to still-sluggish economic recovery.

Emerging economies are driving current TV sales-- sales potentially threatened by increasing oil prices and high inflation rates.

IHS iSuppli finally remarks how most TV brands are cutting their sales targets for 2011-- even if it still hopes for a Q2 2011 rebound.

Go Global LCD Market Decelerates in 2011