European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Triple Flash for Sim2's Latest

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Lumis 3D-SSim2 says its Lumis 3D-S is the only consumer projector using triple flash technology alongside its active shutter 3D delivery system-- eliminating flicker and ghosting while providing smoother motion.

Triple flash is called so because it "flashes" each frame (per 24fps) 3 times, creating an overall framerate of 144fps.

The projector also carries 3-chip DLP technology, is optimised for both 2D and 3D content and comes in the attractive Lumis chassis (with vertical lens shift and an enchanced version of Live Colours Calibration software). 3 lens options are available, with a throw range of 1.37 - 3:9:1.

The package ships with XpanD glasses, and is compatible with other M-3DI cross-platform active-shutter glasses once models start hitting the market.

Go Sim2 Lumis 3D-S