European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

MicroVision Outlines 2011 Strategy

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MicroVision, the maker of ultra-miniature projection displays, announces key elements of its 2011 business strategy.

"A revolution in mobile display is coming: a PicoP display technology based on a direct green laser that should address the critical needs of both the mobility and automotive markets," states Alexander Tokman, president and CEO. "Recent progress by global suppliers in the development of native or `direct' green lasers and our engagement with Pioneer Corporation put us on an accelerated path to commercialize a next-generation PicoP display solution in 2012. These developments have allowed us to simplify operations and devote key personnel to advance this important goal."

The highlights of MicroVision's 2011 strategy include:

-- Concentrating resources and working with industry-leading partners to advance the commercialization of the direct green laser PicoP display engine. The company has already engaged Pioneer Corporation and is in advanced discussions with other development partners to facilitate its go-to-market plan for a direct green PicoP engine.

-- Sell existing innovative products based on the synthetic green laser to (a) continue to build market awareness, (b) drive new use models for the PicoP display technology, and (c) increase OEMs and mobile operators experience with PicoP embedded solutions.

-- Simplify operations and reduce 2011 cash requirements by 40%.

The company unveiled late last year the SHOWWX+, the second-generation of their laser pico projector (50% increase in brightness compared to the SHOWWX Classic and more connectivity to today's popular mobile devices). It also purchased a significant patent portfolio from Motorola.

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