European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

CEDIA Surveys Coronavirus Business Impact

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CEDIA surveyCEDIA calls for professionals in the residential technology installation industry to respond to a survey concerning the business impacts of the coronavirus (aka Covid-19) epidemic.

Conducted in collaboration with The Farnsworth Group, the survey covers topics including project bidding, ongoing jobs, impact on current operations and near-term outlook. So far it is seeking the participation of installers in the UK, US and Canada.

“Integrators are navigating uncharted territory and the responses from this survey will help us craft the most effective service and response possible for our members and the industry,” the organisation says. “We know the global pandemic has created a new normal and CEDIA is working nonstop to rise up and meet the challenges at hand. It’s critical to receive as much direct feedback from key stakeholders as we can, and this survey gives integrators a focused voice to aid our efforts.”

CEDIA currently offers a portfolio of guidelines, services and education opportunities to support installers. The survey is running until 30 April 2020, and is available through the CEDIA website.

Go New CEDIA Survey Aims to Gauge COVID-19 Business Impacts