European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Bryston Gets Qobuz Streaming

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Bryston adds native support for Qobuz, the high-resolution (24-bit/up to 192kHz) streaming music service, through a firmware update for the BPD Music Players.

Bryston Qobuz"The primary purpose of the Bryston BDP players is to deliver the finest playback of digital music, and Qobuz is another tool that consumers can use to access a vast library of the world's most beloved music," Bryston says. "We are thrilled to offer Qobuz as a streaming option to our Bryston BDP users."

First available in Europe back in 2007, Qobuz enables users to stream uncompressed content from a library of over 40 million tracks representing just about every genre, including jazz and classical music, with million s available in high-resolution 24-bit. Also included is exclusive editorial content along with deep metadata, complete digital booklets, interactive articles, reviews and playlists, all available to Bryston BPD users.

Owners of Bryston BPD products-- from the first BPD-1 to the current BDP-3 player-- can take advantage of Qobuz compatibility by updating the firmware to the latest version, before registering for Qobuz on their website.

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