European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Big Screens Not Big Enough for the U.S.

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In the US, they don't look for big screens to impress-- they go for large format display banks instead.

VideowallNASA started off this trend, with hat it calls "Hyperwall 2". It resides at its Advanced Computing division in California and uses 128 screens and measures 12' x 10'.

128 graphic processors with 1024 processor cores power the whole array. It displays information from NASA's supercomputers, including the Columbia (one of the world's largest).

The space agency is not the only one going for large-- and users can replicate it (on a smaller scale, obviously) at home.

At Siggraph AMD went to impress with a 40-screen display set-up, in order to demonstrate its "Eyefinity" technology.

One can use this Eyefinity technology to build their own 6-monitor extra-large display for themselves. Through the DisplayPort display interface standard, multiple monitors can be hooked up together as a daisy chain, cutting down wiring and hassles.

The main application is gaming, although it can also help boost productivity by using multiple displays to display various applications, data, feeds and the like. A home office mission control, basically.