European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Are Retailers Connected TV Aware?

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The answer appears to be yes, Creative Channel Services (CCS) says. Its survey of store-level CE retail sales associates shows 80% are failiar or very familiar with connected TV.

Connected TVMore than 45% of retailers also feel customers will prefer to spend around $250 on a set-top box rather than a new internet-enabled TV, blu-ray player or home theatre system.

The top reason given on why consumers will invest in connected TV is "to have a unified multimedia experience"-- 53% of survey participants rate consumer interest as "very interested".

Streaming video rates 2nd (51%), web surfing 3rd (40%), using online applications 4th (35%) and listening to music 5th (34%).

When it comes to whether connected TV will replace customers' cable and satellite services, 53% of retailers feel it won't for at least another 5 years. 28% think it will in 3 years, and 22% say it will as early as in 2 years' time.

CCS says retail salespersons can drive the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and help move new products in consumers' living rooms.

A CCS consumer survey shows just 31% of customers familiar with the technology. Only 17% say they might purchase a connected TV solution in 2011.

Go CCS: 80% of Retail Salespeople Say They Are Familiar with Connected TV