European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Bespoke Alexa Skills Through Blueprints

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Alexa blueprintsAmazon presents means for installers to create bespoke Alexa skills, with no coding knowledge required-- Alexa Blueprints, a set of templates for the building of custom experiences for Alexa users.

Through Blueprints, one can create custom skills and personalised responses, including custom Q&As, chatty sidekick skills and trivia games. In total Amazon offers 22 templates, such as interactive story experiences, flash card learning and quizzes.

That said, Blueprints currently do not allow for bespoke levels of control of Alexa smart home ecosystems, but one can include a House Guest skill for baby or pet sitters, or complete user guides for Airbnb and short term rentals.

Blueprint skills are designed for use in closed networks, but can be shared through email, text, WhatsApp and social media platforms.

Go Alexa Blueprints