European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Sonos and Ikea Preview SYMFONISK Speakers

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Back in December 2017 furniture maker Ikea revealed the 3rd step in its "Home Smart" initiative through a partnership with Sonos-- with the result being the SYMFONISK smart speaker range.

Ikea sonos speakerRevealed via a photo of a prototype perched above a Sonos Play:5 speaker, the SYMFONISK range promises to integrate with both Sonos wireless speakers and Ikea Home Smart devices, such as the Trådfri range of lights, dimmers and switchers. And this being Ikea, the prototype features brackets allowing one to either mount it beneath an Ikea cabinet or use it as a shelf.

“Many people dream of built-in sound systems, but few can afford it," Ikea adds. "Our goal is for our collective work to save space, get rid of cords, make clutter invisible, and bring sound and music into the home in a more beautiful way."

Further details on the speakers are currently unavailable, outside of a launch window-- "after summer 2019."

Go Sweet Sound of SYMFONISK