European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Amazon Alexa Unlocks Yale Smart Locks

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Yale is the next smart home device maker to announce an Alexa integration-- specifically the Amazon virtual assistant can unlock a number of locks from the company.

Yale lock The Alexa-compatible Yale locks come from the ASsure Lock smart deadbolt line, and the integration requires either pairing with a compatible smart home hub or an Amazon Echo Plus (via ZigBee). An Alexa lock skill allows unlocking via voice commands. The unlock feature is off by default, and is enabled through verification of Amazon credential using the Alexa app.

To unlock a door via voice users need to set a four-digit code. Alexa asks the user to say the code to unlock, and will only complete the unlock request once the correct voice code is provided. One can also unlock the door directly via Alexa app.

“Yale is committed to providing consumers with the smart home technology they want most, and the message from consumers is loud and clear – they want voice control,” the company says. “With the addition of the Alexa unlock feature our locks now allow consumers to secure their homes and enter them using simple voice commands, delivering a new level of convenience without any compromise on security.”

Go Alexa Now Unlocks Yale Smart Locks