European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

The Basalte Ellie Touchpanel

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Light+Building  2018 sees Basalte present Ellie-- an on-wall touchpanel with Alexa integration running on Basalte Home, a newly announced KNX visualisation for iOS and Android.

Basalte EllieEllie is designed for installation in main living areas, where acts as a go-to point for home controls for lights, shades, scenes, music, HVAC, door phones and cameras. It features a 5.5-inch OLED touchscreen and is less than 1cm thick, with the same finishes as any Basalte design switches and sockets blending it with any décor.

Behind the touchpanel is Basalte Home, a visualisation for the KNX home automation system. At its core is, well, Core, a server born from the Basalte multiroom audio system. Core provides the visualisation, logical engine, custom notifications and integration with Amazon Alexa and Philips Hue systems.

Basalte says the Ellie is touchpanel very easy to install in a single gang European wall box. It is low voltage powered via Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), and communicates with Basalte Home over IP.

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