European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Cancel Out the Vuvuzela on Your TV

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They claim it is "the most annoying noise in the world." And if it isn’t, it’s close.

Watching the World Cup in South Africa, maybe you wished FIFA had gotten around to banning the vuvuzela noise-makers.

If you want to impress friends and potential clients, here are FOUR suggestions to fighting back.


For 2.95 euros, you could buy the Anti-Vuvuzela Filter that creates a noise-cancellation sound (a wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase to the original sound).

For this phase cancellation, you get an audio file that's 45 minutes long, ready to load onto your MP3 player or phone which you then plug into a speaker dock or hi-fi placed near the TV. But we suggest you don’t buy this… because on top of this “genius noise cancellation tool,” you will receive a FREE piece of innovative Internet TV. Whether you want it or not.

Another choice is to suppress the vuvuzela sound. Find the equalizer in the sound settings for the TV. Drop the 230-300Hz channel and raise the adjacent levels. That might not remove the vuvuzela noise completely, but it should dampen it down.

Or you can make your own filter. (See the first link below: sorry it’s only in German.)

The best solution seems to be from London's Centre of Digital Music which has analyzed the frequency and created a free filter. It has an audio processing plugin known as a "devuvuzelator" and detailed solutions for Linux, Mac and Windows. (See second link below.)

OK, we don't know if that any of this works actually works because we didn't try it. We actually like the So. African spirit. (See the third link below.)

Besides, it's fun to boost the sound to annoy our mates and loved ones. Viva Vuvuzela!

Go Anti-Vuvuzela Filter

Go Centre for Digital Music Tool

Go Vuvuzela Orchestra