European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Google's Android Goes Home

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Touch Revolution

Android software in home management devices and remote controls?

San Francisco start-up Touch Revolution says well-known companies will introduce Android-powered household gadgets before year-end: home control devices, media control devices and home phones. The new devices look to capitalize on Android's strength as an open operating system with sophisticated communications features.

All will feature touch-screens in sizes ranging from 4.3 to 10 inches, support Android as an OS, and connect to web via wi-fi or Ethernet.

Depending upon purpose, these gadgets will contain bases (for perching on a desk or kitchen counter) or have a flat shape for handheld use or for embedding in a wall.

The home control devices are designed to talk to major household systems, such as lights, locks, security and heating/ventilation/air conditioning (HVAC). The media devices play a similar unifying role in home entertainment, letting users program their DVRs, remotely control their stereo systems, and view TV listings on the gadget's screen.

Touch Revolution also sees "smart phones for the home." These cordless phones, for indoors use only, will communicate via radio waves like typical home phones or through VoIP on wi-fi. All of these devices can be programmed to do even more. As Android devices, they will be able to access the same apps of Android cellphones (unless the companies limit that feature). Expect to see most of the products before the end of the year.

Why use Android at all? Partners like the OS's ease of use, openness and touch-centric features.It's also as a bargain since Google distributes it for free.

Though just 17 months old, Touch Revolution founder and CEO Mark Hamblin spent more than five years at Apple, rising to senior product design engineer working on both the iPhone and iPod touch.

Go Android in Home