European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

LG: Smart+ TV Sales Total 1m

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LG Smart TVLG claims sales of webOS-enabled Smart+ TVs exceed 1 million since the March 2014 launch of the TV lineup, marking a "significant achievement" for the industry.

“Rather than continuing to add more and more functions into our smart TVs that few people will ever use, we’ve decided to focus on simplicity with our 2014 Smart+ TVs with webOS," the company says. "Consumers seem to share our view that this is the right direction for the evolution of smart TVs going forward.”

LG is also rolling out Smart+ TV models globally, and expects them to be available in over 150 markets by end June 2014. The company will also expand its presence in major CE retailers with more Smart+ TV Experience Zones.

Go LG Smart+ TV Passes 1 Million in Sales