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System Integration for the Connected Home

Sony 4K TVs Get (Some) Content

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FMP-X1Early 4K/UHD TV customers will have some content to show off their high-resolution TVs with-- Sony announces the FMP-X1, a curious puck-shaped 4K media player first seen in prototype form at CES 2013.

The FMP-X1 plays content in both 4K and (upscaled) HD, and ships with a bizarre selection of 10 films, including  Bad Teacher, Battle: Los Angeles, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Salt, The Karate Kid (2010), Taxi Driver, That's My Boy, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Other Guys, and Total Recall (2012).

Sometime in Q3 2013 Sony should launch an "industry first" subscription-based video distribution service, one offering 4K content from Sony Picture Entertainment and "other notable production houses."

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