European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Check Out the "Ridiculously Automated Dorm"

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You will wish you college housing was this cool-- 3 months ago, Berkeley freshman Derek Low set out to create "BRAD," the Berkeley Ridiculous Automated Dorm, with very clever results.

BRAD Low says he now has “the most ridiculously automated dorm room in the school ever," a claim that is near-certainly true. Features include motion detectors (switching lights on/off when someone enters/exits the room) and controls (lights, shades and music) via either voice or mobile apps.

Best of all is the red "emergency party button"-- it closes the shades, swaps overhead lights for strobe and neon lighting and comes complete with disco ball and fog machine.

Low details the entire BRAD creation process on his website, where he even provides an appropriate shopping list. He rates the difficulty of get it up and running 4 (out of 10), cost 6 and time 6. Now we wish our university days were just as productive...

Watch Berkeley Ridiculously Automated Dorm (BRAD) Video

Go Berkeley Ridiculously Automated Dorm