European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Low-impedance Speakers with 100v Line Amplifiers

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Vision SP-100V

You’ll have to wait until June when Vision will take stock of their new SP-100V adaptor kit which allows any low impedance loudspeakers (including Vision’s own wall and ceiling loudspeakers) to be used with 100v line amplifiers.

Most amplifiers in AV applications are “low-impedance.” But when more than four speakers are used (for example, in retail applications) then a “100v line amplifier” is required. These will output a higher voltage signal which needs to be converted into useable signal by a transformer at each loudspeaker: so until now specially-equipped 100v line loudspeakers have been required.

Vision adaptor kit will include a pair of transformers contained in certified enclosures for safe mounting in ceiling (plenum) zones. They offer four wattage taps including 4, 8, 16, and 30w and are installed in-line between the 100v amplifier and the low-impedance loudspeakers. Retail pricing GBP 42 or EUR 49 per pair.

Go Vision SP-100V Adaptor