European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Stewart Filmscreen Debuts "Edgeless" LuminEsse

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Stewart Filmscreen launches LuminEsse-- a rigid front-projection wall screen system featuring an "edgeless" design (with less than 10mm bezel) ideal for both residential and commercial applications.

Stewart LuminEsseConfigurable with any Stewart Filmscreen 4K+ rate front-projection materials (including FireHawk G4, GrayHawk RS G4 and StudioTek 130), LuminEsse is available in sizes of up to 120-inch in HD 16:9 formats and up to 128-inch in Cinemascope 2.35:1 configuration. It uses the the Stewart wall mount system for inexpensive and simple installation, and additional mounting solutions will be available in the coming months.

Interestingly the company offers an optional LED backlighting kit providing bias lighting for more comfortable viewing or, when off, mood lights.

“It’s no secret that clients are more demanding than ever when it comes to having a great-looking screen whether the screen in in use or not. This means a "floating image" experience when in use and an ‘edgeless’ art piece effect when not,” the company says. “Now, the technology professional can offer his or her clients just that, but with far more flexibility when it comes to specifying the right gain for the particular application plus the impeccable and impressive image quality that is synonymous with Stewart.”

Go Stewart Filmscreen LuminEsse