European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Stewart Filmscreen Iten at ISE

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Stewart Filmscreen launches Iten at ISE 2015-- a masking screen system featuring Tela 80, the first acoustically transparent woven screen material from the company.

Steart Filmscreen ItenIten is a constant height, variable masking system with a native 2.40:1 image area promising a more widescreen experience. It features vertical panels that simultaneously glide in from the left and ride sides to properly mask content, including 2.40:1, 1.85:1, 1.78:1 and 1.33:1 aspect ratios, to perfectly frame images without black bars.

The screen also includes black backing to eliminate light originating from behind the screen, be it from light sources or LED equipment lights. Meanwhile the masking panels maintain acoustic transparency, absorb projector overscan and boost contrast.

The side masking panels are electronically controlled and should integrate easily with nearly all control systems.

”As a broad line screen manufacturer we felt it was time to respond to market requests and add a mounting system to support a woven surface,” the company says. “The Tela 80 material delivers the high frequency accuracy without any special equalization or processing.”

Go Stewart Filmscreen Debuts Iten Variable Masking Screen