European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

ZvBox’s “Localcasting” Solution

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ZvBox closes the huge gap between HDTVs and the computer: ZvBox allows end user access to any internet TV, online video, music or computer content from all HDTVs in the home.

According to Parks Associates, premium online video streams and downloads (TV shows and movies) will grow from one billion in 2008 to more than 18 billion by year-end 2012. “Why should Internet video be exiled to the PC?” says Kurt Scherf, VP and principal analyst at Parks Associates. “The Internet hosts an increasing treasure trove of high-quality video content, but it’s been a difficult road for vendors to come up with a seamless solution that does not add clutter or complexity and does not limit the menu of content available. ZvBox solves a big problem for consumers eager to watch online shows from sites like Hulu and Joost. ZeeVee’s straightforward approach eliminates thorny technical issues like competing encoding formats, APIs, and video player support.”

ZvBox simplifies whole-home AV distribution by "localcasting" stored local media from HDDs or NAS to any and all HDTVs on the premises. Since it leverages the home’s existing coaxial cable wiring, it requires no additional set-top boxes, Ethernet cables or wireless transport, which can be subject to interference and performance degradation problems.

By connecting to the monitor output of the computer, ZvBox turns the computer screen into a new private HD TV channel called Zv, which it then “localcasts” across the existing coaxial wiring to all HDTVs in the home.

To enhance the Zv viewing experience, ZeeVee has also pioneered a new remote control, called ZvRemoteTM. ZvRemote controls your media playback and has an integrated touchpad which controls the computer’s mouse and desktop interface from across the house — up to 150 feet away. The ZvKeyboardTM makes it even easier to compose email, surf the web, and type text for desktop applications. ZeeVee also provides a “widescreen guide” called ZviewerTM that is optimized for a 10-foot viewing experience on an HDTV.

The included ZvRemote is Windows Media Center compatible and works with select local media players and an increasing number of internet video portals.

ZvBox, ZvTV and ZvRemote