European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

CEDIA Annouces New Board at AGM

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CEDIA confirms two new members will take up leadership roles following the result of elections for the new CEDIA Region 1 Board (UK, Europe, Russia, Middle East, India, Pakistan and Africa).

CEDIA Region 1 new Board members

The new Board now offers broad representation of members’ interests with representatives drawn from across the UK, Ireland, France and Spain.

New ESP members appointed to the Board [shown in photo] are Matt Dodd from Cambridgeshire-based company, thinkingbricks, who takes up the role of Education Chair and Claire Scholes from LairdKing in Cornwall who will act as the new Membership Chair. David Graham of Grahams Hi-Fi moves from Membership to UK Outreach Chair replacing Gary Lewis of Future Systems who takes over as Vice Chair and Treasurer.

Robert Hallam of Irish company InControl will continue to serve as Chairman for one more year.

Stepping down from the Board are Simon Buddle from SMC who has spent two years as Education Chair and Fraser Stride who will no longer act as Outreach Chair, having left Finite Solutions to work with Leeds-based property developer, Citu.

The full Board is as follows, with their assigned responsibilities and development tasks: 

Robert Hallam (InControl): Chairman
Gary Lewis (Future Systems): Vice Chair and Treasurer
Matt Dodd (thinkingbricks): Education Chair
Rufus Greenway (Sound Environment): Marketing Chair
David Graham (Grahams Hi-fi): UK Outreach Chair
Marc-Etienne Huneau (DSR): International Outreach Chair
Adrian Blundell (ACB Consulting): Expo Chair
Wim de Vos (Genesis Technologies): International Membership Chair
Claire Scholes (Lairdking) UK Membership Chair
Simon Williams, (Olive) will continue to serve as an active member of the Board as Immediate Past Chairman for one more year.

A copy of the Annual Report is available to all members.

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