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Amazon, Game Console Maker?

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Game Informer and TechCrunch report yet another company plans to join an already crowded Android-powered games console market-- both say Amazon will launch such a device "by the end of this year."

Amazon STBApparently the machine features a dedicated controller and provides access to games via app store. The TechCrunch "reliable source" goes further and says the hardware features a Qualcomm MPQ processor, of the kind found in smart TVs and STBs.

Does this mean the the device is actually the STB in development at the Amazon Lab126 hardware division Bloomberg reported on back in April 2013? TechCrunch says no ("those plans are still on track") but it would make sense for the company to combine media and games in a single machine, seeing how the major games consoles alreadly tout entertainment capabilities.

Meanwhile separate sources report Amazon is approaching developers on the creation of games for its hardware. Amazon already makes games at its Amazon Game Studios (AGS), and is currently looking for staff "focused on creating innovative, fun and well-crafted games."

Leading AGS is former Microsoft Studios General Manager David Luehmann.

Amazon is not the only giant company with plans for an Android console-- according to The Wall Street Journal Google is also working on a similar machine. If such news turns out true, the likes of the Ouya, Nvidia SHIELD and Mad Catz M.O.J.O. will have plenty to worry about...

Go Amazon Could Launch Qualcomm-Powered Games Console and Media Box By End of Year (TechCrunch)

Go Amazon Developing Android Console for Release by End of 2013 (Game Informer)