European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Bryston Intros BDP-Pi Music Player

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Bryston BDP-PiBryston announces the BDP-Pi-- a digital music player successor to the BDP-1 built on the Raspberry Pi and the HifiBerry Digi+ platform, together with Bryston hardware and software.

Built in a chassis 1/3 the width of the full-size BDP-1, the BDP-Pi plays digital music ranging from MP3 to lossless 24/192 high-resolution files. It requires connection to any DAC via provided S/PDIF, Toslink, USB and HDMI connectors. Audio come through either external drive, internet radio or lossless Tidal streaming.

The case also includes a colour display to show artwork or virtual VU metres, while control comes through companion smartphone app. The BDP-p is also Roon-ready, allowing customers to merge the player with the intuitive music library and playback software.

Bryston is still to announce European availability for the BDP-Pi, but it ships now in the US.

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