European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

Intel Pushes USB-C as 3.5mm Jack Replacement

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The Intel Developer Forum (IDF) confirms Chipzilla plans for the death of the humble 3.5mm headphone jack-- a talk dubbed "Enabling and Extending the USB Connector of the Future" describes an audio standard for USB-C.

USB C HeadphonesAccording to company architects Rahman Ismail and Brad Saunders, the specification will "really make the USB Type-C the right connector for audio." Set for a Q3 2016 launch, it includes means to "granular" power management to lessen battery drain from USB headphones, button function definitions (such as pausing music and volume control) and device authentication.

The architects also say USB-C allows the addition of sound processing features, including audio effects or noise cancellation, without need for expensive technology from the likes of Dolby or Bose, since such functionality can be all built into the standard. Another potentially interesting feature is an incorporated video standard.

As for mobile device makers, the elimination of 3.5mm circuitry allows for (slightly) slimmer devices as well as somewhat more pristine sound through the lack of interference between analogue and electrical components.

Will the industry pick up USB-C as headphone standard of choice? Some smartphones already feature USB-C ports, including the Galaxy Note 7, OnePlus 3 and the Nexus 6P. Apple is also rumoured to drop the 3.5mm jack in favour of Lightning for the next iPhone. However, it is ultimately up to consumer to decide whether they are able to replace old headphones with new, arguably more sophisticated, alternatives.

Go IDF 2016 Enabling and Extending the USB Connector of the Future