European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

A Miniature DAC for Mobile Devices

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British hifi maker Cyrus Audio takes to Kickstarter to fund development of the SoundKey-- a micro DAC designed for smartphone and tablet use.

Cyrus SoundkeyAccording to the Cyrus, while the SoundKey is small and lightweight (around 16g) it still carries a high quality DAC and amplifier to improve mobile device sound. It connects via USB and sips just 50mA of power from the phone, half that of rival products.

It is compatible with Android, iOS and Windows devices, as well as laptops and PCs.

“There’s a whole new generation of music lovers who just don’t know how good the music on their phones can sound, as it’s let down by the low-quality DACs and amplifiers employed in the phone," the company says. "The Cyrus engineers, using their 30 years’ experience building products that provide a better music experience, have come up with a world-beating solution in the diminutive SoundKey.”

The Soundkey Kickstarter already beat the £5000 pledge goal, and once the crowdfunding campaign is over the DAC should ship from November 2016.

Go Cyrus Audio SoundKey