European Custom Installer

System Integration for the Connected Home

McIntosh Debuts C47 Preamp

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McIntosh Laboratory announces the C47-- a 12-input digital preamp designed for use with both digital and analogue source components, with playback of high-resolution digital formats, including DSD files.

c47It features 2 balanced and 3 unbalanced, plus 1 moving coil and 1 moving magnet phono input for the connection of turntables. Digital inputs include 2 optical, 1 coaxial and 1 USB, with digital audio decoding at up to 24-bit/192kHz (optical and coax) or 32-bit/384kHz (USB).

The company says SACD high definition audio playback requires connecting the C47 to the MCT450 SACD/CD Transport via MCT input for a DSD connection.

Bass and treble controls allow audio source fine tuning, while headphone listening gets the McIntosh Headphone Crossfeed Director (HXD). Home theatre passthrough permits seamless integration with multi-channel home theatre systems.

The C47 ships from November 2015.

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